Tuesday, January 05, 2010

FEAR .....

Fear of Heights is irrational
Fear of Falling is LOGICAL
Sheldon Cooper

Isn't Sheldon's quote so perfect?? Isn't that the true crux of this dating matter? Aren't we all just scared of falling? Wouldn't we all FLY HIGH as birds in the sky if we weren't so scared of falling. Wouldn't we date and mate and be happy? I guess that's what separates us from the primates. Don't they look so happy??
Fear is the most powerful emotion there is. It motivates us to take some kind of immediate action whether it is FIGHT or FLIGHT. Sometimes distractions make us turn a deaf ear to our internal voice (our intuition) and we walk blindly into situations that should scare the living daylights out of us. Love has that kind of affect. Innocently, we wander down the pretty little path skipping happily until we realize we are lost in a vast forest of unknown creatures [Lions and Tigers and Bears Oh My] at which point we turn and run to safety. I've got that whole part figured out, what I don't know is how long does one stay "safe" before venturing out again? What's the statute of limitations on heartbreak and can we overcome our fears?
I am grown up enough to know that the only thing I have to fear is fear itself (jfk)..

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