Thursday, July 10, 2008

People are People

People are People
so why should it be
you and I should get along
so awfully?
Depeche Mode

The only thing you can expect in this life, is change. I know M.R. didn't coin that phrase, but it's right on the money. Anything (and anybody) you allow yourself to become attached to will leave you. One way or another, it is crucial to know that people cross our paths for A REASON, A SEASON OR A LIFETIME. Over the months I have been in the midst of a soul search marathon. I have made new friends, I have lost touch with others, yet I feel most responsible for the ones I've lost. You know the old saying she who has a million friends, doesn't have one to spare . That thing really worked me over (and The Sex & The City Movie) Had your girl reaching out to folk I hadn't thought about in a long time. My reach out was sincere, and I was really feeling like I had been the ultimate bitch by disassociating myself from certain people. That is of course, until I snapped out of it and realized that some people and some relationships run their course like a good buzz. When things are over, it's important to remember that Life goes on and people grow, out of things they fit before.
When a romance ends it's called a breakup, but when it comes to friendships and non-romantic relationships, no one discusses endings. There isn't even a term for it.

There are so many reasons the show Friends was an inaccurate reflection of friendship. Rachel, Ross, Joey, Phoebe and all the TV "Friends" were always friends. We don't know how long they knew each other. We never see them have a real live fall out. They rarely disagreed on the show, in fact I never saw them go to work or have other "friends". They just were. I bet The season would never had ended, if NBC hadn't run out of money. All the friendship oriented shows, of which there have been and will continually be many, rarely if ever focused on the 5th grade moment many of us still have as adults when someone says to you ( or you to them) "I don't want to be your friend no more." Come to think of it, even in the 5th grade, some well meaning adult would force a reconciliation.

As a huge Public Enemy fan, I remember a Chuck D quote that went: I couldn't CHANGE the people around me, so I changed the PEOPLE around me! Let me just say it was the best thing I could have done. It has enlarged my circle in a good way and on a funny Karma Twist, I have had the privilege of reconnecting with a long lost friend from back in the day and getting to know other local friends better. I have even come to learn more about the one thing that motivates me in ALL RELATIONSHIPS. I have an overwhelming need to be understood. This is above all the other things in a relationship that people value, you know like respect, admiration, honesty, attraction and all that good stuff. My LIFETIME friends know I need to be understood and I'm not talking about the Cable Channel. I am not as complicated as I make myself out to be. Somehow I can come off as a superhero to some people. It is only those who realize I am mortal, that I can really vibe with. This epiphany is the newest on my trip to self discovery. It makes me happy to know what tiny stone had found its way into the shoe of my thoughts so that I could finally dislodge it and move on. Forward!!

Friends is a word we use EVERYDAY
but most times we use it IN THE WRONG WAY
now you can look the word up AGAIN AND AGAIN
but the dictionary doesn't know the meaning of FRIENDS