Friday, August 18, 2006

Who ME??

I am a reformed flirt

I have done my share of harmless flirting in my day. You know, a little eye contact, a lot of teeth, meaningless, casual conversation. I’ve definitely been blessed with the gift of gab, but remember how when you got a gift it was all fun for a while, then you really didn't want it anymore??? Well, it’s like that. Flirting and being a social butterfly has become a burden. No longer can I just have a simple, fun conversation with a stranger. Now there are strings attached. “Heavy words are so lightly thrown.” The dating scene over 30 is such that a woman and a man can not have a casual conversation. People over 30 waste little time faking interest in small talk. My experiences these few years have shown me that men are more to the point. They tell you upfront if they are on the market (or not), and if they are interested in being more than a friend.

The problem is that in a social situation, many people are not usually themselves. I have female friends and I have watched them change personalities right before my eyes like a character from Star Wars. Shape shifters, I call them. I can’t count the men who undergo reverse metamorphosis. That’s when you meet them and they are one way and after things get, shall we say; comfortable, they switch back into their true selves.

What I do know is that I am not a shape shifter. I remain in my form. What you see is really what you get with me. How do I navigate the waters? It's as if a single woman requires her own personal HOMELAND SECURITY, to sift out the terrorists among business, coach and FIRST CLASS.

To further complicate matters, I am making a concerted effort this year to make myself available. I want to date and meet new people (men). I am not however, desperate. I just think there is someone (else) out there for me. How though, will I go about sifting through the pretenders?? I am open for suggestions.

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