Sunday, August 20, 2006

More good news....NOT

This excerpt comes from the Washington Post
Women Outnumber Men In Maryland, D.C.
Ratio Also High In Mississippi
This is from an article in the Washington Post. Fret not ladies, there are still the homeless and the imprisoned..

It turns out Maryland isn't a blue state, it's pink.
The latest Census data shows the ratio of women to men in the population is among the highest in the nation. It's higher only in the District of Columbia and Mississippi.
The numbers show it may be tougher for a woman to find a mate, especially after age 35.

It's not clear why women outnumber men, but one explanation could be that women are drawn to the high number of public sector jobs in the state. Another is that African-American women typically outnumber African-American men and Maryland has a large African-American population.
But some experts suggest that men are being undercounted by the Census because they are more likely to be in prison or homeless.


Anonymous said...

Y'know its these kinds of fun statistical facts that make me want to eat ice cream!

No seriously, I think that these studies only further undergird the belief that women have to "pull out all of the stops" and literally hunt down a least in our community. It creates a culture of desperation....

Unknown said...

This actually came from the Washington Post and was e-mailed to me by a friend in the DC/MD area. The funniest part of it all is that I have NEVER been in that area and NOT met a single/available man. I am not sure who really generates these stats, but I have to invite them out with me one night in Addams Morgan.