Sunday, September 28, 2008

A Witness to History

In less than 20 minutes, the field filled. I snapped the photo of the building with the flag behind me when I first arrived @2:26. By 2:40 I could no longer see the people on the steps. More impressive than that was when the snipers came in @ 5:oo. Obama and Biden didn't take the stage until 7:00 and it was worth the wait. I made a lot of new friends. The crowd was AWESOME, so large and diverse. By the time they opened the gates (@ 2:00), many of us had been in line for hours. The sky opened up and it rained buckets for 20 good minutes and we cursed that darned Natasha Beddingfield Song "FEEL THE RAIN ON YOUR SKIN" as it played. No complaints though. Something like this may come around once in your lifetime, and to be able to say, I actually witnessed it is a big deal. I have sent the video to my niece and nephew, thanks to technology, but the one in my heart will be with me indefinately. I am truly glad that I shaved my legs for this!!
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