Monday, July 26, 2010


Partly because I have a crappy phone and partly because I have an even crappier computer. I find myself having to REBOOT often. On a recent delay, while waiting for the reboot, a lightbulb went off in my head. The actual ACT of REBOOTING calls for 0ne to CONTROL, ALT and DELETE all at the same time!!! Even more mystifying for me is how I can sense when the reboot is coming. Usually my memory gets full and the gadget (insert phone or computer) starts to move slow, sluggish making all different sounds. Warning me, that the time is coming. In that moment I am supposed to make sure "important" stuff is SAVED so not to be lost in the act.
Then, like clockwork, the process begins. Only recently did I understand that to REBOOT your life you have to 1. GET CONTROL 2. TAKE ALTERNATE DIRECTIONS (cause the ones you were taking landed you here in the first place and 3. DELETE people, places or things that are cramping your CPU/Memory/ LIFE. In one act technology makes a self-preserving move that humans only do under stress, and even then, never all at once. The lesson learned here is to take the steps all together and see if your drive is made a little lighter by rebooting. This has been my summer to REBOOT and I am feeling the positive effects of it.

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