Keep on learning,
Keep on growing
Wisdom helps us understand
We're maturing
without knowing
These are the things that change boys to men.
Whoever said 30 is the new 20 is under an illusion.
30 is still 30 and 20 is still 20. The difference is that the standards and the level of expectation for a modern day "30 something" are similar to the responsibilities and lifestyle of a person in their 20's back in the day. See back then by the time people reached a certain level of adulthood, maturity met them at the door and they gladly welcomed growth into their lives. On the contrary, modern day 30 somethings are avoiding that visit like the plague. We are doing all we can to avoid the mundane reality of growing up; being a grown up. We make more money. We have more options, and we want to enjoy life a little longer before settling down for real and for true.
Add to this equation the given disparity between the genders and you have an abundance of single women and boys running amok. The result leads to the quagmire that is dating.
Our single predecessors did not have this problem, because when it was time to settle down, once upon a time, both genders assumed the position. Think about it, if you knew of an adult, maybe an aunt or uncle who was single in his or her 30s back in the day, he or she was either divorced or widowed.
It is the prosperity that we enjoy that has created the dating scene we hate. This scene has fragmented people and put them in descriptive boxes like political parties. We now accept or reject people on the bare minimum without getting to know who they are on the inside. Simple comments describe and dismiss a potential match: She has pretty feet. He is a baller. She drives this. He works there. She has this many children. He has that many houses. She is too perfect. He is too tall. She needs to give up carbs. He could stand a personal trainer. She went to this school. He pledged that fraternity.
In the end two adults who should be mature approach one another like adolescents in the high school cafeteria. Yeah, remember for a minute what that was like. I had one of the best childhoods on record. Adolescence was fun for me too, but when I was younger, I couldn't wait to grow up. I was tired of being a kid. And even now, with all the adult responsibilities that aren't so fun: bills, bills and more bills, I'd still rather be grown. This dating thing can become tiresome because there are a lot of boys out there holding on to a childhood that is well past its' prime. If in your life, you have done all you could do with what you had, then move forth. It is past time for grown ups to start behaving like grown ups. There is of course plenty of blame to go around. Women can afford to lighten up and men could stand a dose of Miracle Grow. In the end, though, both parties have to want it mutually. If you know anything about youth, you must understand that it is contrary by nature and the opportunity to be on the same accord fleets as quickly as it arises, much like a butterfly. Maybe this is just one of those metamorphosis that has to be observed from the outside. I mean if you catch a butterfly, it will eventually die right? Is this fleeting thing just as fragile? I am beginning to wonder myself.
The one bit of advice I can think of at this point is to work on yourself and the rest will fall into place. If for example, I am contrary (which by the way I am), I can not be upset when I recognize that trait in others. I have to work on me. I have been working on me, but I had no idea there was so much work to do. The Law of Attraction teaches that if we all focus on being the embodiment of the person we love, then it will attract that same love to us. I haven't got a lack of love for myself, but I do have a couple of "ways" that come along with me. If I expect a person to tolerate those "ways" then I have to in turn do the same. It is afterall what grown ups do.
I have to say that I am as immature as some of my male counterparts. Maybe not in the never settling down aspect, but in my expectations/ideas/notions about what love, dating, romance, and relationship should look like. Chalk it up to too many romantic comedies where the ugly duckling heroine gets the really good looking guy at the end of 90 minutes or too much 'romantic fiction,' but sometimes I fear that the myth of love is competing with the reality of love and this disparity has made it difficult to really see, accept and love each other for who we really are and enjoy that connection.
Thanks cuz. Glad to know I'm not off the mark
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