Modern day students do not have the same luxury. In fact, these forms are now referred to as consent forms and have such a legal, and technical implication, that it doesn't seem as fun as those permission slips. I think they are missing out on the art of permission. It is lighter than consent. It can free you to be happy. Consent implies that you know there are risks and you will not take legal action if something bad happens. Permission allows you to go ahead, try it, enjoy, be happy.
All I really want is to be happy.
Well today, I want to develop and create my own permission slip for happiness. Except in lieu of my bad attempt at my mother's signature (which was easier than my father's to forge), I will sign it myself. And instead of leaving my parents behind, I will leave my insecurities and fears behind. This permission slip will give me the green light to go have fun without them. This essentially has the same effect of the signed piece of paper.
I give myself permission to be happy.
To experience life (alone or with someone) to my fullest capacity.
I acknowledge that there are a number of risks involved in dating (and just about anything else including but not limited to: scuba diving, ski diving, big game hunting in the Sub-Sahara, juggling flames and knives) which are outweighed by the possibility of rewards.
I am willing to accept full responsibility for my own happiness and enjoyment.
How can I LOVE somebody else?
If I can't LOVE myself enough to know
When it's time to let go?
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