Winners win. That's what they do. Whether they are hustlers, athletes, entrepreneurs, or single people in the dating arena. Sometimes I find myself on the losing end of deals, but that doesn't make me a loser. It makes me a loser if I give up and resign myself to the fact that I am always going to lose. That's what a loser does.
Being on the lookout for the hustle is something competitive people do. Looking for the "come up" is something hustlers do. Recently, a dear friend sent me a txt needing a late night ride from the airport to the bus station. This person is a trooper and lives by the hustler's creed. Sometimes he will take a loss, if in the end he wins. So, in the spirit of friendship, I volunteered to help him with his transportation. That night I slept light as a kitten waiting patiently for the phonecall that nevercame. The following day I received a txt from FIRST CLASS. Apparently, he had been bumped from his flight, got a free ticket for future travel AND got the upgrade because that was the only seat available!!!!
There is a time and a place to go out on a ledge. In business and finance, his area of expertise, the most successful live by the motto of no risk no reward. In dating, it's not that easy. The risks of modern day dating exceed the rewards. I have come to the conclusion, that there is something to be said for taking mini-losses in search of the ultimate victory. I want to win and I am willing to wait because I AM A WINNER. ARE YOU?
Well there's winners
and there's losers
but they aint no big deal
cause the simple man
pays the bills
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