Thursday, January 01, 2009

Bag Lady

My first resolution of 2009 is to change my BAG. This is one I can keep and it is one that will inspire me to keep the other resolutions I attempt to make. I am an admitted bag-junkie and I rarely carry the same bag for longer than a month. These bags I will keep with me at all times and carry them to the grocery store until they become a habit. This is my resolution.

There are a million other resolutions I could make, but this one is the easiest and most sensible. One of the funny things about having a handbag problem, is I had no idea how bad it was until I photographed all twenty-something, and came across bags I had not carried in years, but died to have on sight. This is a self-improvement I can actually use to cure my addiction. So for 2009 I will break the chains of addiction, what about you?Posted by Picasa

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