Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Shout out to CaliGirl for the text question: What Would Michelle Do?
I had shared with her that my latest interest introduced me to his friends as his MICHELLE. It was cute, and my girls and I dissected it a million ways and we agreed that it was a compliment of the highest order, because he was comparing me favorably to MICHELLE. The Michelle I speak of is the one and only MRS. OBAMA. It is safe to say that she hit the dating JACKPOT. I wonder as a Harvard Grad/Attorney on the fast track in the 70's and 80's, how she knew that she had slipped tripped and landed on the next leader of the FREE WORLD? What must she have had to endure? Who did she let go to hold on to BARRY? How much baggage did the the young man come with?? How bout you? Have you let your Barack slip by? Did he do something so simple, you forgot to ask the magic question: WHAT WOULD MICHELLE DO if:
he still lived with his mother?
he had only a dollar and a dream?
he didn't have full time job?
his job was so demanding, he had very little time (or energy) for you?
his grandmother didn't approve of you?
he reminded you that you didn't cook like his grandmother?
What do you think Michelle would have done? What do you think she'd do now?

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