Saturday, January 26, 2008


Is it Real son?
Is it really real son?
Let me know it's real son if it's really real.
Something I can feel son
Roll it up and kill one
Let me know it's real son if it's really real.
Method Man

Is love real? I am starting to have serious doubts. When you think about it, it's not really something you can touch. You can feel it, I think? When you are "in love" , but can it be touched? If you hold it up to the light can see it? Emotions in general are elusive and not the same for all people and for that reason, I am beginning to put love in that category with the boogie man. I was really legitimately afraid of him when I was a little girl until the day I realized he didn't really exist. The fear that embraced me, was nothing more than a figment of my (overactive) imagination.
Love is the grown woman's boogie man. It lurks in the corners of our hearts and minds. It makes us afraid of life without it. It makes us tolerate things we are not comfortable with. Imagine a little girl sleeping under the covers many hot August nights afraid of the boogie man. My parents (founders of tough love 101 if you ask me) forced me to literally sweat out those long nights until I came to challenge my fear and realize there was nothing to be afraid of.
Now LOVE has me out there dating like a maniac. Putting up with situations in hopes that love will show and prove. Looking all around, really believing it's out there....MOVING ON YOUR LEFT...


Anonymous said...

I think the love that we sing and read about in love songs and stories may be the love that we're having trouble finding...its so idealized, otherworldly, etc. that it is difficult to locate it down here on planet earth. I also wonder if the perpetual pursuit, agonizing over and yearning for love have not dulled us to the actual present experiencing love with another human. "Hope deferred makes the heart sick"

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.