Okay, finally. I have cast my net and a couple of worthwhile catches have come my way, and I have to admit that this whole thing is easier in theory than in practice. These past few weeks have taught me two important things about myself that you may already know about yourself:
1. The chase is the best part. I gave my number to a really attractive guy in a social situation where it was made perfectly clear that I was single and looking (hey that's what friends are for...Think back to high school). Well I made the first contact. I called him first and for a whole 2 days (as is the custom) he did NOT call me back. I was crushed!!! Even more, though, I was intrigued. Those two days made me really think he was not that interested in getting to know me. I began to question his motivation for even exchanging numbers with me. Who did He think HE was??? Then, like clockwork, my phone rang. The phone call in and of itself was quite anticlimactic.
2. A GOOD MAN IS HARD TO FIND. You are telling me that you have heard this all before, but it bears repeating. There are a lot of grown boys out there and wolves on the prowl and fakers and married men and LIONS and TIGERS and BEARS, OH MY!!! There are plenty of men out here, but you must have some kind of filtering process. The man I am looking for is rare. Now I know I said I'd give my standards a re-evaluation. I am supposed to be saying "perhaps" more than NO! You know what? It is just not that easy.
Which brings me to my latest and greatest theory....I am looking for a
UNICORN...That rare and mythical creature. I am looking for the kind of man you don't see everyday. He has characteristics that distinguish him from his counterparts. He is
HONEST with himself and others. He can move freely in many different circles, but remain TRUE to himself. Not a LIAR, just versatile. Some people are liars because they lie to others, but there are also those who have lied to themselves for so long they believe it. In other words:
FRONTIN'. Those who Front are not versatile, they are pretenders. This rare and mythical man, this UNICORN will be mindful of his own uniqueness and will naturally gravitate towards someone who is like them, unique, not just a horse with a surgically applied horn.
Not only will he be
HONEST, he will be
HARMLESS. I don't mean weak or a wimp. I mean he won't be malicious. Out to hurt himself or others through unhealthy habits or practices. Think about that ALPHA Male who wants to run the entire show the entire time. This person is often [un]knowingly offensive to others. A Unicorn is a natural leader and a democratic person who accepts roles for the good of the order. They don't just HAVE TO run the show,but in all situations is capable. If a person's own mother apologizes for his ways, he is NOT a Unicorn, but a
JACKASS with a horn surgically attached to his forehead.
Men know that these mythological creatures exist among them. They often imitate them to attract female unicorns (like us). It sometimes takes a minute to discover that the horn is a fake, so consider yourselves warned there are unicorns out there, you just have to look past a lot of horses and asses to get to them.
Because Unicorns are not
PREDATORS, they are not out hunting. They are also easy prey for the lions and tigers and bears (OH MY). As a protective measure, they may actually remove the horn to blend in with the crowd. This makes them as easy to find as the proverbial needle in the haystack.
My point ladies, is on this quest, it is more important to observe the actions of the crowd. The Unicorn will reveal himself through words and deeds. The only other drawback to searching for a person like yourself is, that they only come around once in a great while and they don't stick around B.S. for very long. Just like sighting an actual Unicorn, they are there for a split second and then they're gone. While looking for one to reveal himself, be mindful that we must reveal ourselves to him. By hanging with too many horses, ponies, donkeys, mules, and fake asses a Unicorn may miss another in the crowd.
DEEDS are the things that separate those of us who are special from those of who are AVERAGE but working hard.
I think now, that I am going to have to work on my own horn...Beep beep!!!